Smart and Crypto Burros Living in Polygon

2 min readJan 16, 2022

A drove of Smart Burros arrived and will be living in the ETH Polygon network, they’re so cool start adopting them they are delightful and a great investment.

The Smart Burros (Donkeys) come from all walks of life they’re intelligent and helpful taking on all sorts of professions and positions everywhere you go.

We’re launching two collection TSmart Burros and Crypto Burros each collection is 3690 burros the angel’s number, each burros is unique in character and profession, some are famous dudes we like others are there for fun.

Join our community many more unique fun ideas on their way, one of our plans is to support donkeys depends on how many we end up selling we would like to support independent artists as well.

The pre-launch price is 0.02 ETH gas free our launch date is set on Feb 1st, 2022 the floor price will increase to 0.05 ETH.

Collect the same Smart and Crypto Burro pair you can end up with a truly unique rare collectible.

We have a Discord as well as Twitter handler @smartburro looking forward to chatting with you there.

